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I was proud of the final result: a clean garden.

So I left my place around 7:50 with my dad and we headed for Chinatown to buy asian food for 3 days. I also got a hair cut there. We arrived around noon to my sister’s place after doing some errands for her and for us also. The heavy work started after lunch and it […]


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So I am getting reay to spend some times at my sister’s house to help with her house finition work. I usually cannot sleep well when I plan ahead of time meaning that I will have a very bad sleep tonight.

So I know that my futur is no longer with my company, I am looking forward to a quick end but I do not see anything coming yet. Strange situation.


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The chili peppers are doing great after prunning. They look stronger and have a lot of beautiful young and tiny leaves. After Before

Easy and delicious:

The pepper trees are growing side shoots and they look more robust and less leggy. BEFORE

mOrE fOoD!

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a FeAst!

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My sister dropped by on Saturday and we had our 2 favorite viet dishes. It was the kind of meals that are not served in restaurants because of the strong typical smell, however we love these meals: Preparation from our parents:

dRy SKiN!

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One of the recurrent problem I have is dry skin. Every now and then (about 1 month), my feet need a lot of moisturizers just for a day or two.

keep looking »