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Twilight Imperium 4 is da addiction! Whatever these geeks do live, we do it it online and it is as if it was real!


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So this is the new addition: Tabletop Simulator. It allows people to play board games in a 2D or 3D format and as everyone knows it, Board Games are addictive as honey for bees! Stay away from it. The combination Steams + Tabletop Simulator + Discord + Board Games … too much to handle.


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Some of my chillie trees are growing and the below 5 plants are doing great. I am hoping that they are the hottest peppers: Carolina Reaper. Anyways all the ones I planted belong to the hottest category. I would just be happy if one of them give fruits before winter.


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I am lucky my meals are prepared by my parents:


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So we started to share our meals everyday. It seems that my cousins are quite good at making excellent meals for their confinement dinners far from their parents:

One and one single store sold fruit pastes for a decent price, I bought 2 of them:


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Space re-organisation during confinement: Weird craving: I felt like eating fruit paste and luckily for me I found them in a food store. It was not widely available or maybe I do not know where to find them. I love watching these Youtube shows during the confinement: I do not remember having to wait in […]


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All green and pretty after 2 weeks!


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It’s growing despite 2 weeks of extreme cold weather.

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