I remained reasonable even though I joined people who stocked pile. I just like to picture myslef in need of food!

Finally the week-end is here! It was one of the worse weeks since I started my new job! I am glad it is over.

song and dance from Vietnam!


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I survived my stressful week and I still have tons of things to do. It will be a busy week-end however, I can sleep longer and recover.


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Surprisingly, the power steering seems ok the last week. I no longer steered my wheels to the extreme and I do not slowly. I do not have time to have it checked so it’s good news and I keep my fingers crossed.

I had another batch of tiny little shrimplets. I saw shrimplets everywhere now! Good, it simply means that my little shrimp tank is in good conditions and it allows reproduction.

So I lost 1 point because of a speeding ticket and I lost again another point because of a speeding ticket at my cousin engagement party in September 2018 (Caro). I recovered the second point after 6 months however I have to wait 2 years to recover the first point because I’ve lost them consecutively […]

They are thriving and I love the tiny teenie things!


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The minor cold was in the end a boit more serious than I thought, hopefully, it will not last.

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