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Confinement is not too bad!


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It was an excellent dinner!


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A hot deal for a Smartphone 6.8″ Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Plus – 256Go, Black: 699 Euros. My only dilemna is that my Iphone 6S is working fine, maybe a bit slow but anything you do on a smartphone is doomed to be extremely slow since you are typing with 2 fingers.


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Grass is growing everyday:


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I am glad we have a smooth working internet at Home. It would be deadly boring without Internet. It is very strange to work, sleep and not moving much around but staying in my room. I miss going out, shopping and seeing people. The biggest benefit is that I have not spent much. I bought […]

The streets are so clean and quiet now. I can hear birds and all kind of natural noises (kids shouting, dogs barking), the continuous flow of cars is gone. The air around smells good. I believe that this coronavirus tragedy will change millions of people and convert them better than any political actions.

Adjusting to the new routine: work (confcalls 2-3 per day), writing reports, answering emails, solving colleagues VPN issues, lunch, gardening, taking care of my shrimps, biking for 1 hour and half at 17:00, watching TVs and movies, buying online stuffs, sleep.

I loved teleworking! Almost 2 or 2 hours and half saved. I feel like I have a lot of time to do whatever. Gardening was a good idea:

nEw BAtcH!

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My new batch of 2020 hot chilie season, hopefully, I will harvest the hottest peppers in the worlds at the end of summer.

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