Here are my instructions to my parents because I did not have time to do it today. 1. Buy me 2 set of boxers using my credit card (or use yours) at “Auchan” 2. Buy me 1 T-shirt at Intersport 3. I gave them my credit card in case it was below 20 Euros I […]

Dealing with tons of files everywhere is so annoying for someone like me who uses tons of devices to work: Iphone 6S, Ipad 2018, Surface Go, Work Laptop, Home PCs. I need my clouds : Google Drive , OneDrive and Dropbox to have the exact same updated files accessible anywhere anytime: all of them are […]


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Not bad song, a bit dark though:

It will be a busy week-ened with a lot of reading to keep up with new projects and old ones that were neglected. It is still good to do it in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

10 mIN!

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10 minutes per day of stretching is all that is needed to cure the back pain. I really wonder why it still seems hard to me to think about these minutes of exercises. I guess I am lazy as everyone else.


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My bank started to send me warnings about my excess level of cash :). I never had these types of warnings and, to be honnest, it is not much 10 k as cash. However it makes me feel happier to have money and not neededing anything at the moment. So no spending.

I am starting to gather a lot of vacations after 11 months. If I do not count the 13 days off due to the stupid securtity issue with my badge that compiled me to leave work for 13 days, I did not take many days off. I am looking fopr a way top cash out […]

I did see 2 tiny little shrimps the other day and I saw them again clearly today. They were just trapped in the moss I bought the other day. They came along as a bonus because they were already a little too big to be my own babies and they were only 2 of them.


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I bought the hottest peppers seeds again. I will try to have them germinated inside before the summer and speed up the growth before next winter. Hopefully I will have fruits this year.

Here I am in a bar relaxing with my Surface Go, surfing internet and working in front of a beer,with a low level of stress. Even if there is a lot of free Wifi access everywhere in Paris, too many people are using these public Wifi hotspots and the signal is often slow, not as […]

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