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Another stressful week to keep up with! The weather is so nice and it makes me want to restart my running routine. I should do it this week-end.

I am starting to see more and more of little baby shrimps. There must be more but I have spotted at least 2-3 little ones.


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I worked on a project for the last 2 months and my boss made a comment last Friday insinuating that it would not work for legal reasons. In fact, it was good all the way and I got confirmation from him today. He tried to present it as if he had to check again but […]

Really beautiful short animation but the story is light! UGC Les Halles The right stats for a Sunday as shown below! No stress and normal sleep:


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I slept well and I enjoyed a nice Viet dish:


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Finally the week-end is here and I am glad to be back to my office. It was just too weird to stay the whole week in a room without windows.


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I found time to replace my car left headlight. It was logical that after the right headlight died that the left one would follow.

I started to plant my chilli seeds and I kept them under UV light so that I can have a head start for Spring.


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I like this new song


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I am currently at Marly-La-Ville doing the integration of this site. It is a bit stressful since I am no at CDG and we have tons of guests.

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