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I had a minor form of a cold yesterday and I had a bad idea of taking two drugs to sleep better. They made me feel dizzy this morning and my sleep did not feel complete nor resting even though I had a total sleep duration of 8 hours and 40 minutes.


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I was exchausted on Friday and I did not have the strength to do anything. I still have a lot of work to finish though. It will have to be done during the weekend. I cannot wait for the week-end to sleep normally.


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I did not see time fly by this week. Every single day was a busy and stressfull day. Thursday was the craziest day of the week.

The power steering of my Toyota Yaris is having issues. When I steered too fast, it stopped working. I had the impression that it was related to an electrical cable because, if I do it slowly, it is fine. I need to have my Toyota Yaris checked.


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My chillies are getting bigger and bigger under the blue light.

I am starting to see more and more shrimplets. I saw 3-4 shrimplets regularly now however I am wondering about their real numbers. From Youtube videos, there should be like 15-30 in a batch. We shall see when they are bigger.


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Today, Starbucks Café and the public library were full of people (lots of homeless people). Luckily, “le forum des images”, a private bar next to these places, was well protected against homeless people and I could have a nice table there just for the price of a café: 2 Euros. I was working there quietly […]

We spent some times at the public library, we watched 15 min of Frozen II, we went for lunch and I let them choose whatever they like to eat or drink and finally we went to the parc. It was quite relaxing. Flickr Album: Link


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I could not wait for the week-end to start. I was exhausted. My sister asked me to babysit Lyn and Tom for an hour or two on Saturday. It would be cool to see them for lunch.

iD cARd!

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Just received my new ID card. I am feeling better because I do not have to keep my passeport with me all the time except when I travel abroad.

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