Without the strike in Paris, I would have followed the same path I took the last 4-6 years. I have learned new paths to move around Paris thanks the strike, even simpler and faster and more realiable. It seems that hard situations time to time is not a bad thing after all to get one […]

Last year, I did not succeed in growing one of the hottest peppers from seeds to fruits (too late for the summer period): Carolina Reaper. This year, I’ve decided to buy the dried version of Carolina Repear chillies, then extract the seeds from the dried chillies and grow the seeds right now so that the […]


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Finally, I can rest and sleep, my mind needs to be off! Weeeek-end!

The real meaning to my boring life is maybe the stress generated by these people. It kinda of keep my crazy mind so busy and tired that I do not have enough energy to waste it in useless and excentric thoughts. I do not dislike stress generated by urgent situations, I just hate it when […]


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I will be back to Amsterdam next Thursday 16 for a very urgent project (like ALL of them). This time I could not book a flight, it was too expensive and I had to take a train.


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As soon as Monday starts, tons of stressful emails from people coming back from Xmas and New Year! I was glad all my little stuffs were done during the holidays. It would had added an amount of useless stress!

This new hobbie is not that new but with all the insight from past experiences, I should be able to have some little shrimps.


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I ended this lovely week with a quiet and smooth Sunday: I went by bike to the train station, I headed for Chinatown to get my PHO and discovered a faster way to get there by foot. I came back to Châtelet in the afternoon and then I spent the rest of the day in […]

bAcK pAin!

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My back is getting much better after few exercises (stretching excersices) and heating patch. I had a good sleep and low stress level that helped also.

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