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Here comes the week-end and my sleep. I do not sleep well during the week because the stress generated by work. My Garmin watch easily showed the increase of my heart frequency and the stress level.

The regular back stretching immediatly fixed my back pains.5 minutes everyday seem to do the trick and no more backpain.

I am thinking about getting Ouclus gears for VR gaming.


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I thought I saw 2 tiny shrimps when I woke up at 3:30 am. I have not seen any of them anymore. Must be a dream or they have been eaten by the 2 tiny killifish.


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I am so busy at work that time flew by so quickly this week. I hardly had time to fill up the expenses report from my last trip. I am glad that the week-end is here and I will spend a great amount of time in Chinatown for the Chinese New Year.

I went back to the store to find out the name of the tiny fish and ended buying the last one. I think I have 2 females therefore I will look for a male in another fish shop.


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I bought a small cherry shrimp and a tiny fish, also called Clown Killifish or in latin Epiplatys Annulatus, came along as a surprise in my bag for free. I order a simple meal without fries and had both for the price of the meal only. Lucky day!

keep looking »