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Nice Cover:

It is also very nice to have these 2 video streaming services everywhere I go on all of my portable devices :).


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I am loving my Surface GO, everything I need in a tablet format. It is quite powerful and I can play WoW smoothly in a bar in Paris at Chatêlet-les-Halles. I am thinking about getting one of these pocket size projector for tablet or smartphone and I should be ready for anything. I need also […]

cRAzY dAy!

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I received an alert yesterday about a surface go deal: 239 Euros DEALAB LINK. I went there and bought 2 Surface Go (me and my sister), there was another deal that gave back 10 Euros for any 100 Euros purchase adding an extra 50 Euros coupon to spend at the store. In the end, after […]

12 YeArs!

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My blog is 12 years old! I am surprised that I could have kept this blog up for that long.

All day week long in Paris, eating, relaxing, eye-shopping: that’s the plan!


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Good chinese song:


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Little sleep this week due to stress level!

tOo ShOrT!

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The week-end is already over sadly! It was definitely too short. I had lunch with my sister and Lyn. It is always fun to eat at the Vietnamese restaurant and get 4 dishes to try out with them: Pho, Banh Cuong, Nem, Bun Rieu

I had some nightmares yesterday therefore I could not relax as usual on Friday night. I probably drank a beer or two more than I should. Indeed, I could finish most of the urgent stuffs at work.

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