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It was time to reset my PC and clean up all the junk ammassed over a year or two: 164 Gb of junks were gone after reset! The strike is annoying because it is very hard to move around in Paris however there are less people therefore more spaces in the libray.


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Strike in France disturbed my plans today. I could not take the train in the morning however after 12:00 pm the train stations opened and there were 2 trains out of 3 running. I met an old friend from school and I immediatly remembered her name: Sandy. I was maybe 11 or 12 years old […]


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Yippie! Weekend! sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!

I had a sore thorat due to the cold and probabaly the stress. Luckily it seems like a minor cold.


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Movie to watch!


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Being unexpected at work! I became very imaginative at work. I used every tricks to get whatever was required. IT people were slow therefore I shouted out loud my needs everywhere. My colleague laughed when she learned my original methods that worked! She even said, that was not the way to do it however it […]


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I was trying to recover by sleeping a lot during the weekend. It did not work well since my sleeping pattern was cut in half.


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I am really happy the week-end is here! A lot of stress due to work.

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