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I heard a question today at work and I aswered in a very simple way. Everyone was surprised that I had the answer (I was the only one): Who ordered to move the whole clearance department? My answer : Mr Xxx Everyone was looking at me .. I did not elaborate…! Next Question: Was Mr […]


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My new job has taught me one of the most valuable lesson in life. What is most precious at work is not your knowledge or your skills, it is your ability to interact with as many people as you can. I have surrounded myself with a lot of skilled people as soon as I could. […]

We spent a day at the theme park: Astérix and Obélix: Flickr Album.


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Lyn and Tom taking the subway and foraging strawberries in a farm: FLICKR ALBUM


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Men in Black 2019 was not as bad as the rating suggested:

I was driving to work when I witnessed a car accident with a moto and a man lying on the road at 8 am in the morning. Strange and weird scene! I did not realize how affected I was with the accident.


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I have a very nice collegue at work and she is always obsessed with her daughters. One is kinda of of a problem at school and my collegue seems too nice wit her. It made me smile to hear her scold her daughter.


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I started on May, the 7th my new job and it’s been almost two months soon. I am tired. After all the excitation of novolty and the pleasure to be out of the mess I was in. The routine set in and a job is a job … meaning lots of stress and mental energy. […]

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