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It’s been 2 months and 2 days! I remained quiet, consistent and I am always always around when people need a helpful hand. I am very careful in my answers. I always structured my replies showing that I did my homework: searching, reading and advancing in my projects. I am always pro-active and I took […]

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Another one!


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I left work on Friday at 16:30, I went to Belgium and I came back on Sundy at 18:10 then I went for a movie at 19:15 and went back home at 21:45. I did not see time flies by this weekend.


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We all went to Belgium to meet the new member of our huge family: Neil. The weather was perfect: Flickr ALBUM!


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We will go to Belgium tomorrow to see my cousins and the new member of the family: NEIL.


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So far I’ve avoided all the common mistakes of beginners: not being heavy nor clumsy, solve things by myself and talk to everyone! I got a lot of help and it feels good not to be lost the first 2 months. I survived!


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Finally I received a full month of salary and I love it even though tax is quite high :(!


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My business trip to Poland was not naive. I had an assignment and, for unknown reasons, I had a very hard time making people cooperate in France and in Poland. I instinctively requested the trip to Poland to understand these political reasons. Luckily for me, I was right, the big bosses will also go there […]


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Lovely business trip and I’d loved to come back to Krakow: FLICKR LINK

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