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Little sleep this week due to stress level!

tOo ShOrT!

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The week-end is already over sadly! It was definitely too short. I had lunch with my sister and Lyn. It is always fun to eat at the Vietnamese restaurant and get 4 dishes to try out with them: Pho, Banh Cuong, Nem, Bun Rieu

I had some nightmares yesterday therefore I could not relax as usual on Friday night. I probably drank a beer or two more than I should. Indeed, I could finish most of the urgent stuffs at work.

I want a to buy a surface Go:

It’s always tricky to undergo a major update. It went good!

I wanted to make some impulsive high-tech purchases however I could delay them for 2 reasons. The first reason was that Black Friday was coming and everyone was expecting some good deals on Friday 29 November and the second reason was that I would like to keep the one rule I tried not to break: […]


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VeRy bUsy!

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I was a bit busy this week, catching up with work I missed during 2 weeks. People had a very short memory and it seemed natural for them that I am absorbing whatever I missed. Lucky for me there were tons of useless shit that disappeared like magically though and nobody seems to remember that […]

Yippie! 3 days long relaxing weekend for me! Sleep and eye-shopping at Châtelet-les-Halles.

6 mOnThs!

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I’ve been working for 6 months now! Yippie!

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