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Excellent story! Could have been an old 80 movies.


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Finally, it’s the weekend and I can spend some times in paris again playing a “tourist”. It’s good to enjoy Paris with the nice summer weather.


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I had a short business trip to Brussels. Just one night there therefore I could not spend some time with my cousins.


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I have no time to do geek stuffs nowadays. I had an encrypted Hard Drive (460 Gb) and it took me 2 weeks to figure out howto reset it to factory setting and wipe out the encryption. usually it would take my less than 2 hours to find the information but since I do not […]


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I am quite busy at work! So far I never got bored at work. The days passed by from 8:20 until 17:15 without me realizing it. It’s really not a boring job.

4 mOnThs!

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Finally, the milestone of 4 months has been reached since I started on May the 7th. Legally I am on a permanent contract now.

I have 2 short trips planned, just one night there: 1 in Brussels (12-13) and 1 in Cologne (19-20 Sept). I could not stay longer. I will just have time to attend a full day workshop each time.


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It has become the main focus of my work!

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