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Work is a bit intense last week with a major presentation and tons of business as usual matters to deal with. I survived!


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I’ve spent the last 2 months all my weekends in Paris and it is really relaxing. Getting out, getting some fresh air and seeing the crowd.

sAlaD bAR!

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healthy eating!


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I added hepatitis A, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and whooping-cough to my vaccines list (self-injected).

5 mOnTHs!

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it’s been 5 months that I joined my new company. The stress is increasing and I am tired. Normally, there should be 2 more engineers with me.

I left my old apartement for a full year now! No regrets at all!

oN tImE!

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I canceled my SHADOW subscription on time. I wanted to test this virtual PC on my Ipad but it did not work well therefore it was useless.

fLU sHot!

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As usual I self injected the flu shot.

I spent the day in Paris again and I ate at a Korean restaurant. The meal was more beautiful to look at than to eat:


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My business trip in Bonn/Köln was OK. It was a lovely train trip but not that exciting. The drinks (sex on the beach) and dinner were much better:

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