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I had a very busy Monday with 3 meetings all organised by myself. It all went smoothly and many things were covered.


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I canceled my Fitness Park subscription. Not really my thing.

The only way not to fall apart and have my body back the way it was:

la BoUlE!

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Funny and scary ride in Paris:


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I am planning on a 4 days visiting Paris and its wonders.


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It was a very tricky 3 days this week: Monday, Tuesday and Wenesday! I managed to survive them all without a scratch! Thursday is bank holiday and I took a day off on Friday so long week-end for me!


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i tried this scooter in Paris and it was awesome however it is a bit pricey!

After a whole day spent discovering Paris. I enjoyed the evening playing 3 espace games and 1 virtual reality game. I also tested the electric scooter, it was a bit pricey but very enjoyable and useful.


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I had a very healthhy week! Running, weights lifting at the gym …All my biometric indicators are in the green zone!


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After work, I ran or went to the gym (10 Euros). I prefered running outside, then I went to a restaurant and I ended up the evening with a movie. Nothing really good, it kept my evenings busy.

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