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New escape game:


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I wil relax and sleep! I will survive anything after this stressful Friday.


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I am writing my fist post using my IPad + Bluetooth mouse and keyboard in Pompidou public library in Paris. It’s fun to be so connected and at the same time not wanting to be. My keyboard is not linked to my Ipad allowing me to move it wherever I want it to be. Same […]

bUSy WeEk!

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I have a busy week ahead of me!


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It feels good to run again 6 kms! I usually start the run around 20:15 then I enjoy the scenery while recovering.


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It took all of my energy to do some administrive stuff: modify my private insurance coverage, caceling my stupid fitness park and recover the money. I enjoy being busy because it makes me forget about my every day routine but it takes a lot of energy.


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I was so busy with work that I did not see the end of the week! However it is the weeeeeeeeeekend! Sleeping and shopping and sight seeing in Paris.


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I requested 3 nights in Bruxelles for work. let’s see if it will be accepted. At least everyone is warned … so no bad surprise.


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It was a nice run in the park however I had a painful cramp during the night.

4 mOnThS!

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It will be soon the end of my trial period and I will have a permanent contract. So far I enjoyed everything I did; It was chaos and I love that!

keep looking »