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Bigger paycheck due to tax corrections and more restaurant tickets (23) due to a full month of work! Happy happy happy!


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I am on a fruits/veggies diet therefore I got a lot of gas… makes me fart a lot! 2 kgs have to go in the end though!

cOoL wEeK!

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It’s a relaxing week ahead of me since my main bosses are on vacation. It will allow me to finish all the pending administrative stuff that I could not do before. I am part of a tricky merging process and everything is a bit harder for me at the moment.

I usually leave the house on Sundays around 11:00 am for a shopping tour that ends with a steak and fruits foraging. I skipt the steak today since I am getting fat. I need to lose 3-4 kgs. I think that the cheap and very tasty cantine at work is not helping but I will […]


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Sleeping, shopping, relaxing!

lOng dAyS!

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Since I started this new job, I kept thinking that I would leave early. However, I learned quickly that, no matter what I do, I alsways ended leaving late. There is always something popping up in the last hour forcing me to deal with it. Anyways, today is Friday and i will enjoy the weekend […]


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I started the day with tons of questions and one of which escalated as usual with high level people criticizing and it ended with this: Pierre: Can you take care of this because Tom is not here? I knew that my answer has to be perfect and 100 % right! I managed to get the […]

One of my chili tree called “boule de Turquie” became red and it had tons of fruits on it!

Luckily for me I have AC at work but drving back home at 40 degrees is kind of a limit even if I have AC in my car. I do not want any tachincal issues with my car at the moment.

I’ve got about 100 chili trees, they are beautiful and they are thriving like the amazon forest: Today July 22 2019: Yesterday June 10 2019: The beginning:

keep looking »