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I am starting to transfer my tiny chili pepper plants to a bigger container. I hope I won’t loose a few in the delicate process because they are still quite small.


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I am missing the stress from work when I am at home doing nothing. Funny!


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My cousin Diane gave birth to a boy, Neil De Bosscher. I hope she will have many more kids because she has a huge house!


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Not bad at all!

Another long weekend is coming. I cannot wait for Friday!

It was bad!


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It’s been exactly 30 days now! Time flies so quickly when you are busy all day long.


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Finally I got paid for my first 3 weeks of work! It’s awesome and I am happy to be normal again. It’s been a long parenthesis. Would i have got this job without all these events? Who knows! I need more time to see if it will be something I like or not also.


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I had a perfect sleep, my heart rate was very low (good), my stress level is at its lowest level. It seems that everything I did this weekend was perfectly good for my mental health: Disneyland with Lyn and Tom, stupid training to recover the points on my driving license. I am on my way […]

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