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I have a annoying cough. It was very annoying because of the treacherous weather and the beginning of Spring. With all the particles in the air, my throat was irritated and I had coughs that could last three to five minutes.


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One of the old dude who sold street foods in Chinatown called me “a piece of shit” because I kept on bargaining for cheaper prices on the stuff he sold. I just refused to pay for the price he asked for. Anyways, the old fart did not have many clients.

I was looking for rare seeds of chili peppers to grow and I came accross 2 funny ones: The most expensive pepper and the “penis” pepper. I bought 20 seeds of the most expensive pepper in the world to try.


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I helped my dad replacing the toilet flushing system. It was much simplier to replace the whole flushing system for 35 Euros than trying to clean the old system. I am having a back pain now due to all these exercises.


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After a stressful week, I went out for lunch and rewarded myself with a nice steak. My parents do not cook these steaks like Europeans do and I miss them.

bIRd poO!

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I had massive bird poos on my car the other day that forced me to wash it at a cleaning station. I thought it was my lucky day therefore I went to buy a loterie ticket. Nada!


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We harvested two times mint to eat with “Bun Rieu” and two times Thai basil to eat “Pho”. It is really enjoyable to harvest your own fresh aromatic herbs. It takes no effort to grow (or to let grow) and the yield is pretty good for 4 people. It is growing continously everyday. These herbs […]


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I hate stress! My body reacted so violently to stress situations: loss of apetite, diarrhea, minor cold, feever blister! Thurday: interview (high stresss level) Friday: relaxation Saturday: high stress due to the next interview (mathematical problem to be solved) Tuesday and Wednesday: stress back to normal level: math problem solved!

I now have 5 vietnamese aromatic herbs and they are growing like crazy!

April 24th 2019!

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