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Nice little run: easy peacy! The weather was nice, not too cold nor too hot.

3Rd tIME!

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I am watching Avengers: End Game for the 3rd time. I have downloaded a good version of the movie.


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My sis dropped Tom once again at our place for one night on her way to pick Lyn up after her spring camp. Tom found his marks and he was very comfortable: Tom played with my Ipad 2018, sprayed water to the plants in the garden, ate dinner, got a shower and went back to […]


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I was looking for an impulsive purchase and I found one: 149 Euros for the Xbox One S with 2 games: Assassin’s Creed Origins and Rainbow Six Siege.


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The tickets were sold out for Avenger: End Game on Wednesday therefore I had to buy a ticket for Thursday. The movie was very good and unexpected. I also enjoyed going to the movie theater and listening to all the comments about the movie from the nerds.

Finally the movie is released and I will be watching it on my B-day!


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I had a nice run at a decent speed. i am controling my pace thanks to the Vivoactive 3 watch. I forgot it at home on my way to Chinatown and I missed my watch the whole day.

nO cRamPs!

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I barely had any cramps the day after. I was not in the mood for a run also. I guess I had enough exesercise from Sunday.


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We all went to my sister’s place and helped a bit. I was not too bruised afterwards. Hopefully no cramps tomorrow!

keep looking »