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I paid yesterday with my Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch and the cashier was very impressed. I was happy to learn that the Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch was also Galileo compatible in addition to the american GPS and the Russian GLONASS. It makes it more accurate. In addition to my watch, my Iphone 6S and my […]


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Almost two weeks later, here is an update of the aromatic herbs: Before:


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I loved molded cheese, I could not easily digest milk that gave me nausea: the mold and the crust are my favorite parts.


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I am addicted to my fitness activities:


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I always knew that running would keep me in good shape and in good health. Now, I can measure my V02 max: “V02 is the maximum or optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise, used as a way of measuring a person’s individual aerobic capacity.” I thought […]

I paid with my Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch using the contactless system: Garmin pay. It was fun! I also ran with both watches, Garmin Vivoactive 3 and ONMOVE 200. Luckily, the results were about the same.


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Since I started recording my runs using the GPS watch, I have improved the pace, however, what really mattered was the number of kms and hours I ran: 11 hours and 30 m 108 kms in 3 weeks and half


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Each day, my parents received automatically 3-4 commercial calls. I was annoyed and I registered all of our 4 phone numbers on this french government site to block unwanted commercial calls: BLOCTEL.

I should normally recover 1 point back for my driving license on March 17. I was down to 6 points on a total of 12.

beSt RuN!

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It will be hard to beat this run in a near future. It was fast and very enjoyable: 5’48” per km.

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