We ate a delicious Vietnamese hot pot because I could buy very cheap viet herbs: TANOR.


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Four cars were burnt in the parking lot at my old place and people annoyed me with their personnal business. I knew that the stupid fat lady was the target because she had a bad divorce with her husband. Indeed, she tried to get money from him and he burnt her car twice already. Luckily, […]

I set a heart rate alarm and my Garmin Vivoactive 3 rang yesterday when I was eating good food. My heart beat went above 100 bpm. I love this heart rate monitor thing. I can pinpoint the exact moments where I get stressed.


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It’s growing very fast now:

Excellent animations from Netflix!


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I was too impatient to grow anything from seeds therefore I bought the whole cherry tomato plant!


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My skin is dry and I am putting on tons of moisturizers before going to sleep and I take fish oil supplements. I hate the feeling of dry and itchy skin!


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Today at 14:40, I reveiced my very first stress warning from my watch and I listened to my heart beat. It was the most accurate stress warning I have ever received in my life. I managed well!

After 3 days of getting dumb email notifications, I disabled it from my Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch. I do not want to be disturbed when I run or do any activities I like. I checked my emails like 20 times a day (probably much more) therefore I do not need extra notifications.

A brEAk!

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I was so motivated to test my watches that I ran too much. I took a break from the running in order to avoid injuries. The main factor that has a real impact on my performance was my sleep. If I sleept well, I ran well!

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