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I could run but the cold is getting worse. It is nevertheless a minor cold. My stress level isstill very high and I have a hard time sleeping normally.


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I received the email confirmation for the next step: a panel interview and a mathematical problem to solve (4 questions) and to present in front of the panel next Friday. I sent the emails to my cousins and my sister and my brother. In fact, I managed to solve the questions with my brother’s help.


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I had a cold, a cold sore on my lip and my stress level is high for 4 days since the interview! I hate these after stress trauma.


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I had an phone interview in English. The interview was OK but the day before and few hours before the interview, my heart beat was in the stress zone and, even though I did not practice any activities, my body reacted quite strongly.


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I had a little bubble of water in my right ear for 2 days. It made a strange tiny “pop” like sound (like when you open a bottle of champagne). I got rid of it using a water spray for nose cleaning.

I stopped plucking out white hairs on my head meaning that I stoped looking at the mirror more than once a day! I need to embrace the time that is passing and accept myself as I am getting older! I am feeling less stressed about these white hairs!


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I was so relieved that I got my one point back from my last speeding ticket. I thought that I would have to wait for 2 years since I had 2 speeding tickets in a row. Remaining points: 7 / 12


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My best run after an excellent night of sleep: Best estimated 5k effort (27:17)! I would have finished 481 / 1382 (34.8%) in a real race: 27 min and 17 sec for a 5 kms.


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Not bad for a regular runner, 1 month and half of monitoring!

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