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Hope by The Chainsmokers ft. Winona Oak


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This cardio belt was on sale for 5 Euros and I bought it for my ONMOVE 200 GPS watch. I will try and see if the heart rate monitor is useful for my runs. Usually I trust my body, it just tells me when it is too painful.

The ONMOVE 200 GPS watch looked perfect, like new, and it was only used 3 times in 2016. It was a real bargain for 19 Euros from Ebay. It was very easy and intuitive to get familiar with the commands. My first training with the ONMOVE 200 GPs watch was great also, the watch detected […]


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I finally rented my studio therefore I can no longer come back for the next 3 years, unless the tenant decided to leave. I am happy that someone is taking care of it now.


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New battery for my Iphone 6s and it worked like a charm! It was the second battery in less than 6 months though. Luckily, the second one was free!

Since I started the monitoring using my Iphone 6S, I improved my sleep, my running speed and my driving behavior. The fact, that I have a meaningful number in front of everything, compelled me to improve that number:


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In a rush, the dude working at the post office has extended my contract to re-expedite my mails from my old address to my new address for free: 37 Euros. I asked him to cancel but he pushed the “ENTER” button instead. I might also have got a free replacement for my Iphone 6S. Indeed, […]

It seems that the snoring was related to my nightmares. Once corrected, I slept much better and I had no nightmares. The main cause of the snoring I believe was due to the fact that I was unable to breath normally through my nose (cold or tongue) therefore sleeping on the sides corrected the problem […]

As I get older I developped a taste for smelly cheese. However, I would not go as far as the old man in the Youtube video:


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Dancing With A Stranger by Sam Smith and Normani

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