So I started this little aromatic garden at my parents. Lets see how it will look like in few weeks.

I bought the cod oil supplement to see if it helps with itchy and dry skin in addition to the moisturizers. I read on the internet that the dryness of the skin might be due to lack of some minerals or elements in my body.


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My skin is dry and it is itchy randomly anywhere, especially around my legs and feet. I put on tons of moisturizers since two days. So annoying!

I am also growing new plants of vietnamese aromatic herbs directly from their cuttings placed in water in order to sprout new roots. I found it much faster than growing them from seeds.


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I bought 6 plants of cherry tomatoes for my parents’ garden. I wanted to speed up the process and skip the seedling process.


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About a total of 34 kms per week in 3 hours and 30 minutes:


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What A Time by Julia Michaels ft. Niall Horan


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I got stuck with this new netflix serie because of its marketing and the trailer. I had to finish it but it was not that good!

nO pAiN!

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I slowed down my pace in order to suppress the horrible pain at the beginning of my run and it worked like a charm, no more panic nor pain time. The lower my bpm (beat per minute) is the better! It simply meant that I had plenty of oxygen during my run.

mY hEarT!

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My heart beat like crazy for the first 1.2 kms at 90 % of my maximum heart rate (MHR = 181 beat per second). However, my body calmed down and reached its cruising pace. Most beginners would stop during the first 1.2 kms because of the pain and the feeling of panic inflicted to their […]

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