7 wOnDeRs!

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There is an online website to play my favorite board game (7 Wonders) with other people. I also found a working cracked version for 7 Wonders on Adroid!  I am getting better against 2 AI (computer players). I won several games. ONLINE: Board Game Arena LINK


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Since my brother started his conversion into the Maze Alpha phone, he converted me also into Android and I started to download cracked programs such as TomTom Go. My dad was the next person getting a Maze Alpha. The huge screen was definitely an advantage for him. My dad also wanted a phone that could […]


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Interesting concept for a movie: Jonathan. The end is much much better than the whole story: “Two minds in a single body. What choice when one is thriving and the other is dying?”


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Last Christmas I should have tried to use my own laptop as a game center for the kids. Indeed most games exist for PC and consoles. All that was needed was 2 USB game controllers and some cracked games. I have left the game’s scene for too long and I should get back. It would […]


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The Maze Alpha on the android system allowed me to recover my favorite TomTom app (cracked version) with the latest maps update of Europe. I loved the new TomTom’s design. It is really simplier, better and more user friendly. One of the advantage that Tomtom has over Google maps is the speed indication on the […]


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Since my cousin, Alisson told me that I snored, I monitored my sleep using an App to record the sound overnight. It was loud but not as bad as I thought.


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Lyn and Tom have a funny way of counting days: “2 dodos” means “2 nights”. I think they get quickly bored of any games we might propose and they wanted to go home the second day. Personally, I am exhausted!

lyN & tOm!

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Busy weekend with Lyn and Tom, so far so good:


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A must-see movie: Green Book.


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My brother and my parents spent most of Wednesday and Thursday at my sister’s new house doing some painting and laying the woods floor. Today, they came back quite tired and my brother went quickly to sleep like yesterday. They weren’t used to doing physical exercises with all kind of muscles. Tomorrow, I’ll come and […]

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