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So my company made a mistake in my last paycheck and I did not receive any restaurant ticket last month. I complained and received 45 restaurant tickets (9 euros each) worth 405 Euros in total. Nice Xmas’s gift!

a BiT sAD!

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The strike definetely changed the mood in Paris, not as crowded as usual and tons of homeless people were stuck at some corners of the train stations since most of them were blocked.


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It was a normal Saturday in Paris despite the strikes. I could buy ton of stuffs for my parents in Chinatown (Paris 13th). I enjoyed my routine. I slept a lot and my stress level was low. I jumped to another deal for phone: Sosh, 9.99 Euros/month, 50 Gb in Europe , etc… The 4G […]

Finally the week-end is here! I want to sleep and relax!


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Xmas at sister’s and spoiling Lyn and Tom with gifts and the console! FLICKR LINK


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I worked on Monday and Tuesday and it was very quiet! I could do many little things I delayed before because of lack of time.


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I had a nice draw for my secret santa:

keep looking »