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I love this viet dish:

I bought tons of corns on the cob in Chinatown and I enjoy them late in the evenings, little pleasure of life:

vIet fOoD!

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My goal while being at my parents’ place is to eat as much as I can all the viet dishes and I am trying hard to push them to do so. I am buying all the weird stuffs they do not buy.


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There is no TV connector in my room, however there is many internet options to watch TV directly and I am using molotov.tv on my smart TV

The vietnamese water bindweed called “rau muống” was on sale and I bought tons of it to eat my favorite childhood viet dish every day:fried water bindweed with lots of garlic


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After thursday, I got cold sores (“aphtes”) due to stress. My body reacts so quickly to these stress events.


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Something’s Gotta Give by Camila Cabello

vIet DiSh!

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I am going to buy the violet igname to make this viet dish I have not eaten for a very long time:

That was a long day of interviews and the traffic around Paris was very bad and extremely slow on the highway. I enjoyed the interviews and I am hoping for the best but I would not be too sad if the answer was negative. It was quite far away from my parents’ place and I […]


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I learned a great lesson from others’ experience: solve one problem at a time. Indeed, if I have too many problems, I would be overwhelmed and I would not have clear ideas on howto fix all problems at once.

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