Today the best candidate for my apartment will come and check it out before signing all the paperwork. I am hoping that the candidate will not change his mind. It was quite a painful learning experience. I could see how useless and slow the agencies were and how I could do everything on my own […]


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I was about to get out of the bus when I heard this asian women’s little screams. The bus controlers were checking out the bus tickets and passes and the little asian lady obviously did not have and she would have to pay a fine.

my aD!

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As soon as my ad went online last Friday, I have received tons of emails and phone calls and weird propsotions. One old lady (60 years old) offered to pay 6 months in advance, a dude with a kid and a wife, and more weird messages: “I desperately need an apartment, please help!” The african […]


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When I see young people doing things with passion, I always wondered why I never had that type of passion earlier!


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I wish I could find these instant noodles brand in Chinatown!


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I have to admit that my opinions are very close to my sister(Anne) and my cousin Anne/Thao. However, I think that I can only get along with the younger generation: Alisson and Hélène. Diane’s mind seems to bend over to Anne/Thao however it is undecided. Why? My younger cousins, Alssion and Hélène,  are very open […]


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As soon as my ad went online last Friday, I received tons of request for my studio but very few are elligible to the insurance. We shall see.


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The train station near my parents’ was closed due to ongoing maintenance. I did not go to Chinatown.

After 1 month of trying to find the perfect agency to take care of my studio, I decided to do it myself. I was very happy to leave my place. It has become a real headache and it is best to get rid of this problem. However, after I posted the pictures online, I felt […]

Except for my brother, my parents and myself had the flu vaccine. At least, we are protected if my brother does get infected from the kids at school.

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