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My parents kept their neighbor’s dog, called Elfe, for a week. It’s a strange female dog that pees as soon as you scratch her a little or get her too excited. I then avoided any physical contact to avoid the peeing thing. A bit too stubborn and smart for my taste. It reminds me why […]

I ended the contract with the candidate for my studio. Bad timing for both of us and no luck with the heater that went down on a Friday night. O well…I am in no rush and I think it was a good learning experience.


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Horrible burning smell everywhere!


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Not bad…! Right Now by Nick Jonas/ Robin Schulz


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I am so glad that I took time to scan all my paperworks these last few years. I was a bit afraid of losing some documents after moving out of my place. However everything from the last 4 years and half should be kept in digital format. I need to chase after the certificate of ownership […]


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It’s getting cold here and I must have lost some of my thermal clothes, luckily I found new ones relatively cheap: 5 euros each. The old ones I had were no longer as comfy and warm, they probably lost their thermal properties after few years of washing. DECATHLON LINK


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I have a job interview via Skype today.

Now that all minor problems are behind me or, at least, should be, let’s fix the last one: find me a job! I learned few things about renting my own studio: It is very easy, cheap and fast if you do it yourself: 1 week The rental agencies are very expensive and slow The rental […]


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I took Indi, my sis’ dog, out for a run/walk .. 5 kms! Everybody looked at him and said that he was pretty. Indi was quite shy and he was afraid of any noise. I did not run much and I walked as soon as he stopped. I saw a young white woman firmly lifted […]

I am making my very first cured duck breast. It looks really easy and it is very expensive:

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