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I enjoyed Fantastic Beast 2 and I cannot wait for the third one:


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This year’s challenge is to buy for Lyn and Tom a Xmas present that will last longer than 2 minutes! I think that only my tablet or my Iphone 6s are able to do so!


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Just when I thought that life could not get any weirder… I received a SMS from my sister on my way to Chinatown. My mother surprised us all with her weirdness and non-sence. After reading the SMS, all I could tell my sister was that she should block my mother. However, my mother will probably […]

Few months ago, just the week before Caro’s wedding I was stuck in one of the weirdest and stupidest story of my life. I went to the police station to make a complaint (3 times) and I was so annoyed with their inaction that I slammed their stupid door. The rest of this stupid story […]


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I was in the train to Chinatown and, out of the blue in a packed crowd, everyone heard a perfect french voice saying: “I like to masturbate however everyone is grossed out when they see the sperm on my wrist, I do enjoy looking at the sperm on my wrist though”. Two stations later everyone […]


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My very first Netflix movie in the train was: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I am glad I have a powerful recharger otherwise my Iphone 6S battery wouldn’t last that long.


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The Iphone 6S connection on the train to Chinatown was perfect! I could stream Youtube videos 95 % of the trip whereas my current deal (0.99E/m) was bad 70 % of the time. I am glad I switched to a new phone deal.

The peddlers in Chinatown had their scary moments with a police raid. The policemen threw away many of the empty boxes used to display their merchandise. After the storm, everything went back to normal 30 minutes later:

neW SiM!

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New phone deal: 6.99 Euros/month since the current deal (0.99E/m) is coming to an end after 12 months. The internet coverage is excellent at my parents’ place and I am hoping that it will be better also on the train to Chinatown. I really want to stream Youtube videos during 1 hour in the train.


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Just received at 2:28 am a nice picture from Caro’s wedding and I posted it from my iphone to my blog:

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