In case the personne who picked me as my secret santa does not know what to buy me for Xmas, here is a hint: the last Thorgal just arrived this Friday!

I had a good feeling yesterday after the final interview. I was told that I would have a good chance of getting the position. It will be an hour away from Marseilles. If all goes well, I should be able to spend some times near the beach in Nice-Marseilles-Saint-Tropez next summer! I will try to […]

mY Ad!

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My apartment’s ad has received tons of replies. Some are bordeline crazy, here are few examples: “It’s really urgent, my situation is very difficult, …” “I am pregnant, I would like to move in with my BF,…” “I am looking for a place for my daughter-in-law who cannot afford…” “I have a 7 seven years […]

I finished all 7 Harry Potter movies thanks to Netflix and my new phone deal in the train to Chiwnatown!


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I am getting much better. The treatment was very efficient: Honey + Lemon + hot water. The weather was really cold so I was worried that the cold would last a while. It would wake everyone up during the night if I keep on coughing. The walls are quite thin at my parents’ place


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I had a minor cough during the night but it did not seem serious. The cold should go away quickly with this efficient recipe: Honey + Lime + 1 L of Hot Water.


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I have a cold and my throat is sore when I swallow. I hope it will go away quickly. The weather is getting really cold and I probably forgot to cover my body during the night as usual.


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The Middle by Zedd, Maren Morris and Grey


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I received a call for a job interview and the guy wanted to fly me down South of France for the final meeting next week. It seems urgent and I would be joining the team working on the mega project ITER if I was accepted. It’s near Cadarache about 1 hour from Marseilles. That would […]

It’s a success and I love my own cured duck breast, very tasty!

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