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I am cooking two of my favorite dishes at the same time. Since they are soup, I can keep them in the fridge for a while: “Bun rieu” and “Peking soup”

I am throwing away some stuffs I’ve kept in the closets for 3 years. My studio is quite empty, it only contains the essentials. I do not think I am a minimalist however my studio does look like a minimalist studio. People are not very comfortable when they enter my studio.


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Today, the water service would stop between 9:00-14:00. I woke up at 9,15 and I quickly took a shower. Luckily, I finished my quick shower right when the water ran out…. damn lucky! Of course, I have filled up a bucket and few saucepans with water and I have about 13 liters of drinkable water […]


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Get it right by Diplo ft MØ


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I had strange dreams this week. It is quite rare for me to remember my dreams but these were quite clear. During night time, I leave the new TV up and it is turned on Youtube channels. The freaky part is that Youtube keeps on suggesting videos randomly (AUTOPLAY: ON). Once, I woke up in […]


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There was a whole shelf of steaks that were on sale, started at 30 % to 50 % (last day). They all disapeared. I wonder where they have been sold to. I was a bit sad since I had nice steacks for 3 days.

10 kMs!

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It feels great !!! I wonder why the left knee is starting to feel strange. It is not pain but a lot of pressure on it.

I know why people do not enjoy their screens like I do. It is all about a friendly environment. I’ve spent money to buy 2 screens of 28 inch that makes the display very big and everything is very enjoyable. The 2 screens allow me to navigate easily between different windows: Youtube videos, musics, movies, […]


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The newcomer and I had a little chat today. I warned him about the burglary and he was shocked! He also told me about many little problems he had to endure with his apartment. He was very sad to learn that there are 4 different types of rental in this building. Someone renting through a […]


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All the stars by Kendrick Lamar

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