toO hOt!

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I can no longer keep the heater at 24 degrees Celsius all day long. It is too hot and not healthy. I finally figured out how to program the heater controler. It will only heat up to 24 degrees between 18:00-21:30. It will allow my wet towels to be dry. It is also colder after […]

So my four-and-half years old dishwasher died yesterday. I tried to look up on Youtube on how to repair it. The final results weren’t good: back pain and sore muscles and I bought a new one for 269 Euros to be delivered tomorrow afternoon. Youtube videos were designed for more fancy models not my cheap […]

It is time to throw away tons of paperwork. I tried to scan the most important ones to keep an history online. It is very hard to keep track of the current contracts: Gaz, Electricity, Insurances (house, car, health), Phone, Internet, Heater.


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Ready player one was an exellent movie however it was very different from the book. The book was much darker and maybe closer to reality: IMDB link


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Direct and live view into an eagle nest: Merikotkas


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Mission accomplished! I was a bit stressed because I had to pick up my cousins at the international airport (CDG) after their vacations. It was so easy, only 12 minutes from my place to the airport and the parking under terminal 2C was very practical. I could just have waited for their SMS when they […]

iPhoNe 6S!

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I noticed that the sound coming from the Iphone 6S is much warmer and richer when it is connected to my speaker than the sound heard directly from my computer: mp3 or youtube or movie.

10 kms!

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Perfect run, just a tiny feeling in the left knee that went away quickly. It seems that it is the stress caused by the shoes. These runs are like a deep cleaning session for my body. I went to replace my break shoes because there is a deal of 1 dollar for them. However, after […]


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It took people over 10 years to realize the danger of having a Facebook account. I knew back then how dangerous it was. I first noticed that many people appearing in my social accounts (messenger, skype, google+, etc …) that was the main reason why I never wanted a facebook account. It would also take […]


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I had scheduled a visit to check my heater due to the low pressure: 0.5 bar. The technician showed up but he did not call me by phone. He did try to ring the interphone but I deactivated it due to too many people ringing “number 1”.  I was so pissed that the technician did […]

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