I am getting a a nice tan while riding my bike everyday this week. It feels good to have such a nice weather and to get back on the bike.

Someone made a very nice video of this animation and the video/music was deleted. I was so annoyed for almost 2 years that I kept thinking about it. Finally, I found the animation and the music myself yesterday and I made my own video: Aang vs Firelord

10 kms!

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This is one of the best run ever! I enjoyed every minute of it from the beginning to the end and not a slightest feeling in the knee! No pressure at all and no pain!

sOund bAr!

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I bought a sound bar so that I can have a better sound when I am in my bed playing films and Youtube videos. I wanted the Bluetooth option. The sound is not as good as my PC speakers but it is very convenient when you are lying in your bed.


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Best Friend from SOFI TUKKER feat.NERVO, The Knocks and Alisa Ueno


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There is a strange “burp” sound I hear every now and then. I kept on cleaning and throwing everything away. I suspected some kinda of gaz formation and a buble of air forming till it burps. At least, this “burp” quest lead me to clean my studio perfectly. I tested a bluetooth speaker (freebies) and […]

A neighbor was blocked outside of her car without the key by her 1 year and half daughter. She spent more than 30 minutes trying to explain to her young daughter how to unlock the car. Finally, when the miracle happened, the mother slapped her daughter who had no idea what has happened. I was […]

10 kms!

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Perfect run! All I needed was a good night of sleep and good shoes! No weird feeling at the left knee anymore. Yippie!

Stay by Tyler Hilton The Hanging Tree by a Choir


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Finally, I am sleeping normally again. 24 degrees was too hot and my nose was dried out. 21 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature for sleeping.

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