56 kgs!

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geez: perfect weight never ever to lose again! man I will do whatever to keep this 56 kgs!

reading my last post after like 20 hours in prison made me freak out. What I really meant regarding my mother was always conflictual, I like to know that everyone is doing well, but who the hell would like to play WoW nowadays except me, who would download each weird stuffs about eagles or aquariums […]

One day, you will come to realize one silple thing: you want to be with some people and you do not want to be with others. Well… my time has come: I never ever want to see my mother again. I am neutral with my sister, I do not think we ever liked each other […]

nOt Bad!

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This is America by Childish Gambino

I only eat green stuffs till the 2 kgs are gone and all muscles are back!


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So I got invited for a small celebration next Saturday for Caroline’s engagement. I was told that it was more or less a vietnamese tradition. Since I am single, I always get along more with my three younger cousins than the older ones who were already in couple. I guess when Caroline will get married, […]

dIs SiRi!

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With this command “Dis Siri”, I can practically open any app without having to scroll through the screens. I can send a SMS to my contacts without typing a single word or a single click. I can fastforward a song, switch to random mode, pause music. I can open Youtube. I really love this new […]

25 kms!

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It is really nice to ride my bike with the music on and I also use Runkeeper app to keep track of my time and the calories burned.

10 kms!

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Another run! The only thing that cheers me up and I can feel a bit of depression coming so I am correcting it right away


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I read this story about a kid who was stuck in the back of his car and could call the police using Siri with his Iphone. I could not believe that was posssible. In fact all I needed to do was to activate Siri on my Iphone and here is the only sentence that I […]

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