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The Solo: Star wars movie will be a good reason to go out and relax today. sadly it did not get high rating from imdb but I am a fan.

It is 0:36 am and I am quietly playing my WoW, watching Ready Player One, The blue planet documentary, Star-wars! It is so quiet and so relaxing! I cannot even immagine another event at least for few months! The feeling of being submerged by tons of people and the emptyness that followed it was gone!


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The door of my cupboard was broken and I was annoyed since there was no way to replace the broken piece of wood! I calmed down and looked at the door for few days… I noticed that everything was symetrical meaning that the door could be mounted on the other side! Yippie yippie! It worked! […]


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It was obviously Caro’s day: FLICKR ALBUM My cousin’s business sounded a bit complicated and I might be wrong but: 1. There was the vietnamese traditional ceremony. 2. They will have a civil union in a week or 2. 3. They will have a religious ceremony on September 1st and a final big celebration and […]

I tested Loïc and his younger brother, Florian about this new game “Fortnite” with almost over 40 million players. His dad thought that it was just … another game. Florian’s answers were very precise! Funny kids …!  They knew their shit …. so his less talkative brother must KNOW as well because he was quietly […]

bAd uNCle!

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So I had the four little kids playing with ME my XBox360 games. I explained every single game and tried my very best to teach the younger ones how to play (Lyn and Tom)! 1. Lyn was very careful but she was too young to use the remote control for RAYMAN origins. She quickly had to […]


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I will be attending my cousin’s celebration for her engagement. A vietnamese celebration I was told. Time to check that everyone is doing well. I hope the food will be good because, even though I love my cousin caro, my love for good food is the only reason that would make me drive all this […]


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My Ipad 2018 is synchronising everything I do and whetever it needs and does not have, my Ipad 2018 will use my Iphone 6S as a relay….Phone, internet, sending SMS, checking contact numbers! The screen is so much nicer to use and it is so smooth! I wish I could afford to add more memory […]

I just received my Ipad 2018 32 Gb and I am very tempted to play with it. However, I was curious and I wanted to see if I could sell it on “leboncoin” for 20 Euros more and maybe buy the version with 4G included. Therefore, I won’t open it yet. Let’s see!


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Drugs dealers and junkies knew me as the “4 TV man!”

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