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The greatest news for this Christmas was Diane’s pregnancy! Congrats! photos: Flickr ALBUM


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Christmas shopping with Caroline, Hélène and Zoon:


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I arrived at my uncle’s house at 11:35 am. There were some car accidents on the road. My aunt joined me and my uncle for lunch at the Chinese buffet. It was delicious and we were all full and happy afterwards. Helene came back at 20:30 and we ate mussels and watched a movie called […]


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I am getting ready for tomorrow: laptop updated with WoW on it, my gifts, the drugs for my aunt, the camera. The goal for the weekend is to teach Tom and Lyn how to dance the worldwide backpack kid’s moves:


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I bought a gift for my secret santa, my nephew and my niece. I learned that I will be spending quality time with my uncle and aunt on Friday since everyone is attending the festivities on Saturday.


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I am not eating any vietnamese sandwich this week and I will have a small diet to prepare my body for the coming festivities: heaps of goodies to eat! I am preparing myself for the buffet with my uncle on Friday: five plates is probably the maximum I can eat there.

What do we do the day after Tom’s visit? We sleep and we relax! You cannot believe how much energy it took to keep up with the little thing full of infinite energy.

Tom was not shy when he showed me his dance moves:

I like to take Tom and Lyn to Toys’R’Us because they love everything in that store and they can have their 2 minutes with many toys before moving on to the next one.


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I had my meeting at 15:00 and I finished at 16:00. I took the train back home and there were some technical issues and the train stopped one station before my final stop. I was a bit late on my way to my sister to pick up Tom for the weekend. We arrived at home […]

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