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I went to the mall and I heard two funny comments from people: A BLACK woman showing her friends her selfies and loudly commented them: “I am too BLACK on this photo, nobody can see anything!” A woman, with her really FAT kid looking for food, was loudly telling her husband after a quick look […]

10 kMS!

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It was hot! At least I could run my 10 kms.


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I cannot wait to see Mr Night Shyamalan’s movie, Glass, in 2019:


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“Little Tom” is playing with a spray bottle and he enjoys it very much:


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Finally, the rain has come. I hope more rain will pour in today because the grass dearly needs more rain. Everything is almost dead in the backyard.


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I am a bit sore this morning due to the ab wheel exercise but I am happy that my weight is about 58 kgs. As soon as I stopped the chips and peanuts in the evening, my weight came back to normal.


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So one of the apartment was robbed during the weekend, thieves took advantage of people being busy with the soccer final game. I could sell the Chromecast (20 Euros), the TV TNT receiver (35 euros) and my 10-years old Samsung 32 ” TV (50 Euros): total 105 Euros for things I no longer need.


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Stranger Things by Kygo ft. OneRepublic

3 hOurS!

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It took me 3 hours to re-arrange everything so that my brother’s TV would fit into my current setup:

10 kMS!

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Hot day for a run but it’s very relaxing after the run.

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