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I was in a cleaning spirit yesterday and today. I scanned all the extra paperwork that started to pile up and threw away the papers. I took out the huge frame in my car with all the photos and repaired it, it was my cousins’s christmas present few years ago. It was broken after the […]


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I went for a run and it was freezing. Someone cheered me up during the run for running with this cold weather.


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I had to lie to my doctor to get a prescrition for this drug that is used for people with insomnia. It was for my aunt.


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My left foot is a bit hurt by my everyday running routine. I have to take a break otherwise it will get worse.


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I love watching these Youtube videos on the train to Chinatown:


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I will be having my last job interview on Friday, the 14th at 15:00. Fingers crossed!


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I cannot wait for Avengers: Endgame to be released in April 2019.


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I just received an email saying that I could create my shared medical report online few minutes ago. I immediately created my shared medical report and I have added my advanced directives in case I’d be unable to do so in an accident. I always kept a written version in my bag. 


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I have neglected the abs wheel for a while even though I ran almost everyday. I did a 200 push-ups with the abs wheel and my body was sore the whole day.


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I supported the “Gilets Jaunes” strike since the beginning and I will try to attend the 4th big event this Saturday in Paris.

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