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I had a haircut today and I prepared myself mentally to see tons of white hairs. It did look quite natural… just greyish!

thE CoLd!

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The cold I caught last week is lasting longer than expected.

I did not want to leave my apartment’s building without proper fundings and I wanted to seal its fate for the next 3 years to protect it from unexpected events. Today’s meeting was all about increasing the budget and I managed to increase it 2 times in a row: the master move from me was […]

Today on the train to Chinatown, I saw Jack Lang, the former minister of culture. Few other people recognised him.


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I discovered that one of my favorite cover was made by Jared Leto (Thirty Seconds to Mars) and a new hit song was from the same group as well: Stay coveved by Thirty Seconds to Mars Rescue Me by Thirty Seconds to Mars

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