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I have to admit that my opinions are very close to my sister(Anne) and my cousin Anne/Thao. However, I think that I can only get along with the younger generation: Alisson and Hélène. Diane’s mind seems to bend over to Anne/Thao however it is undecided. Why? My younger cousins, Alssion and Hélène,  are very open […]


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As soon as my ad went online last Friday, I received tons of request for my studio but very few are elligible to the insurance. We shall see.


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The train station near my parents’ was closed due to ongoing maintenance. I did not go to Chinatown.

After 1 month of trying to find the perfect agency to take care of my studio, I decided to do it myself. I was very happy to leave my place. It has become a real headache and it is best to get rid of this problem. However, after I posted the pictures online, I felt […]

Except for my brother, my parents and myself had the flu vaccine. At least, we are protected if my brother does get infected from the kids at school.


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I love this viet dish:

I bought tons of corns on the cob in Chinatown and I enjoy them late in the evenings, little pleasure of life:

vIet fOoD!

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My goal while being at my parents’ place is to eat as much as I can all the viet dishes and I am trying hard to push them to do so. I am buying all the weird stuffs they do not buy.


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There is no TV connector in my room, however there is many internet options to watch TV directly and I am using on my smart TV

The vietnamese water bindweed called “rau muống” was on sale and I bought tons of it to eat my favorite childhood viet dish every day:fried water bindweed with lots of garlic

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