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One day with Lyn and Tom and I am exhausted!

I just bought the flu vaccine and I gave myself a shot.

Super Far by Lany, I just love every simple things about this video:


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Paris in the Rain by Lauv: I Like Me Better by Lauv:

I made a deal with the technician who is cleaning the buillding at my old place. I gave him everything I left there except the dish washer, the washing machine and the hot oven. He cleaned up the place for me also. I think he was very happy because he did a very good job.

The trash bin is fancy at my parents’ place. It’s a huge bin burried underground and the truck used a huge mechanical arm to lift it up and to empty it every Tuesday morning:


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On the train, a dude woke up and discovered that his bag was gone. He was lost for few minutes, turning around, not knowing what to do. I told him: “Do you want to sit down? You should get out at the next station and go home. You are lost, it is normal and I […]


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Second day of asian goodies!


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I just checked the funny pictures taken by the bot at the wedding and I love them:


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I went to Chinatown in Paris and I bought tons of goodies to eat. I wanted to relax after the escape and the move:

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