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Mers-les-bains is a small town near the ocean. I really enjoy my stay here because it is quiet and the weather is fantastic for September. I like walking on the beach doing nothing but contemplating the sea, the sun and the cliffs. I was on a boat trip today. If the price remains the same I would not mind coming back time to time.

I bought 3 kgs of fresh mussels and I almost finished them.. almost:


My third day: Flickr LINK



2 Responses to “mErS-lEs-bAiNs!”

  1. Thanh-Diane Nguyen on September 9th, 2018 9:48 am

    Waaaah tu as découvert un lieu qui a l’air bien paisible comme un bout de paradis! Trop bieeen!!!

  2. admin on September 9th, 2018 10:46 am

    Je suis en effet content de moi pour cette trouvaille, cela me rappelle les Touquets, moi et Minh, on partait en vacances avec un famille française, les Texiers, là-bas.

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