My dear cousins have left tons of visible e-footprints on the internet: mainly their REAL NAMES linked to their Facebook accounts. I used the same method bots and trackers used to discover all their links. Of course, it was harmless but someone more determined who wants to look further for something might have tracked them […]

10 kms!

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So so as 10 kms run but very relaxing afterwards! 57 kgs is good for me. My cheeks are a bit sharper and edgy if I was to go down to 56 kgs. My stomach is perfectly flat!

People I knew from my time at the University of Notre Dame left all over internet their e-footprints. It is crazy all the details I could find about them. I tried to apply the same on my name and there is no trace of me anywhere! Good!

So the “dickhead” interviewer did not respond… The nicest one, after saying that my application was overqualified on June 1st, called me yesterday for an interview with the company next Tuesday, indeed the two other applicants did not match their standard (meaning that I would be the last contender). However, I also got another interview […]


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I trusted the imdb rating 8/10 with 12.3 K viewers, so I went to watch Hereditary! It was really bad and long!

The continuous rain and thrunderstorms provocked some serious water flood around my area. The roads to my favorite store got flooded:


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Excellent and very entertaining!

10 kmS!

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It felt great after 10 kms!


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The technician came and replaced a whole new screen for my TV which basically went from a single stripe to being dead in one week! the new screen brought it back to perfection now! The technician said that I should not worry because I have a full two years warranty. I think that the technician […]


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Not bad not bad at all! The little girl’s screams were annoying though!

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