10 kMs!

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It was hot however I could finish the run! The only thing I cannot skip no matter what!

In the building, most couples seem to struggle with life in a very dramatic way. Instead of strenghthening their bonds against what appear to be a “more” important problem, their finances, many couples fought each other as an outlet for their anger. Of course, there are stable cases of couple, however the most stable people […]


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I helped a neighbor with a water flood problem in her apartement and things are moving really slow. Sadly, these events came with all other stupid issues for her: job drama, couple drama. Therefore, she has decided to move out and she is looking for another place. Life can be pretty annoying because when someone […]


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I resummed the ab wheel after a busy week and I am sore!

10 kmS!

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Great and unexpected run! I was a bit sick so I did not feel like running. However, I managed to convince myself and it did not turn out bad. Smooth and painless! Of course it was very relaxing in the end!

nO AdS!

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I am trying the 3-months free ads from Youtube and, after these 3 months, if I do not cancel, I would have to pay 11.5 euros / month! It has become so annoying having ads displayed in the middle of a video.


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The past week was horrible and I am glad it is over. I was so stressed out! 3 interviews a water flood business to take care of in the building a surge of herpes on my lips, luckily I had something to contain it right away a neck pain (a hot patch fixed it right […]


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I got sick because of the stress and it was so hot that I slept with the fan directed to my bed the whole night!

Finally, Orange, the french main cable operator came to our building! It means that we will soon have all the other providers (Free and Bouygues). SFR was the first cable operator in this city.


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I took my car to attend the interview today. It was on the opposite side of where I live so I had to cross Paris and I hate it. I had to go around 4 times and paid 8 dollars each time for toll roads. I was so pissed! However, when I went to the […]

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