10 kms!

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Perfect run, just a tiny feeling in the left knee that went away quickly. It seems that it is the stress caused by the shoes. These runs are like a deep cleaning session for my body. I went to replace my break shoes because there is a deal of 1 dollar for them. However, after […]


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It took people over 10 years to realize the danger of having a Facebook account. I knew back then how dangerous it was. I first noticed that many people appearing in my social accounts (messenger, skype, google+, etc …) that was the main reason why I never wanted a facebook account. It would also take […]


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I had scheduled a visit to check my heater due to the low pressure: 0.5 bar. The technician showed up but he did not call me by phone. He did try to ring the interphone but I deactivated it due to too many people ringing “number 1”.  I was so pissed that the technician did […]

I discovered few live channels on youtube that allow people to follow eagles’s nest and it is a real pleasure to see the eggs hatch and the eaglets being fed. Not to mention the lovely view from Norway, Latvia, DC Washington.


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I was on my bike riding uphill and a kid who rode too fast downhill felt badly when he tried to stop. His mother blamed me for not helping her kid. Really? Parents tend to think that their little brats are the center of the world! In fact, most people I know avoid kids who […]


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I just checked that I was still paying my electricity and my gaz at the cheapest price! I am probably the only person in the building paying for 2 different companies my gaz and my electricity. My neighbors do not bother comparing their price separately. I made a calculation and it is about 200-300 Euros […]


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I rode my bike to the park: 20 kms. It was sunny and very enjoyable.

10 kms!

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The left knee felt strange at the end but the run was quite satisfactory. i did not run for almost 3 weeks to give some rest to the left knee just in case.


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There was one tree that kept on dying and I had to replace it 3 times during these years. Finally, the last one will survive. I checked and saw nice leaves starting to grow. Once a tree survives a winter, it will just grow by itself.


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Holy Moly! None of this infinity war story exists in the comics!

keep looking »