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I am switching to another internet deal much cheaper 7.99 Euros/month. The speed is supposedly lower 200 Mbps max but I trully cannot see any difference especially after 17:00 when there is saturation and that tons of people are connected. Anyways ,I am saving 150 Euros per year with the new deal instead of paying […]


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No more cooking, it makes me gain weight quicker than I am loosing it! I am back to 59 kgs 🙁


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Everytime, I read or watch movies about dystopic realities, I just feel sad. Annihilation, a horror/sci-fi book is like “the Host” to some extent.


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It is probably one of the hardest movie to watch but it is very hard to stop watching this movie: Realive


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There is enough space now in the closet to keep a foldable mattress and I can get rid of my bed. There will be nothing left visible except the 4 screens and the high tech devices: Where do people sit when they come and ask for help? Obviously, I do not want them to sit […]

10 kMs!

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Tomorrow it will be too cold for running therefore I completed the 10 kms today. Still a bit of pressure on the left knee even though I was extra careful. Soon I will be able to use my bike again and leave that knee alone for some times.

wHaT nOw?

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1. The plan is to get a “no-stress” job with a salary around 40 k/year. 2. In a year, I would use the mortgage money that was frozen for 2 years as deposit to buy a second studio (and the new contrat). 3. Rent my current apartment, the rent will pay the first mortgage. The […]


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I am cooking two of my favorite dishes at the same time. Since they are soup, I can keep them in the fridge for a while: “Bun rieu” and “Peking soup”

I am throwing away some stuffs I’ve kept in the closets for 3 years. My studio is quite empty, it only contains the essentials. I do not think I am a minimalist however my studio does look like a minimalist studio. People are not very comfortable when they enter my studio.


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Today, the water service would stop between 9:00-14:00. I woke up at 9,15 and I quickly took a shower. Luckily, I finished my quick shower right when the water ran out…. damn lucky! Of course, I have filled up a bucket and few saucepans with water and I have about 13 liters of drinkable water […]

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